We are an absolutely brilliant bunch of Year 5/6 learners embarking on an exciting 1to1 iPad journey. Follow our learning through our class and individual blogs.
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Monday, 25 August 2014
Room 1's Acrostic Poems
Today as part of our NET programme with the lovely Carol we wrote and created Acrostic poems using Book Creator. We also learnt about the rule of thirds when it comes to taking good photos. Please leave us some comments.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
How To Set Up Your Maths Book
Here is a video to help you remember how to set up your maths book correctly.
Video made by Sophie F and Leo
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
The Amazing Vision
The Amazing School Vision
At Wairakei School we have 5 vision characteristics we work hard, we think, we care, we communicate effectively and we make meaningful connections.We care is just caring nothing less nothing more. We care because we value.We work hard means we value self-management and perseverance. Self-management means to do things by your self. We think means to be creative and inquisitive about your work and choices.We Communicate effectively means we value meaningful interactions. And it also means using your words not using your.-We make meaningful connection means we value transferring and applying our learning.
By Emily,Dain,Daniel,Madisyn
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
How we do sport in Wairakei school
We have all types of sport hockey, soccer, rugby and netball, we go there every week on a the bus and go to Hagley to play our sport. The team we battled were hillveiw, Shirley, St. Peter's, and the a team for soccer battled was our school a team and b team it was a friendly match.
Our school train every Tuesday and we allways play on Thursday, but it has been raining recently so we have been talking about strategies and some of the rules. Hockey won 7-1, soccer lost 3-0 netball lost 5-0 and rugby won 43-21.
The netball team warms up by playing a game called windows what you do is go in a circle and someone goes in the circle and there are spaces and someone runs around the circle and gets the ball passed to them. This keeps going on until everyone has had a turn.
These are the sports we play at Wairakei school we also do play of the day or POD.
By ari, Isaac,fletcher and cadie
Blogging time
Finally our teacher let us start blogging we were so excited. Suddenly we all started typing our first blog post on our own iPad for our own blog. It started to be a every week thing so we hade to post once or more everyday still adding in planing re-crafting and G.P.S ing .Then we started having a blog of the week first it was Anna then Daniel (two students from room 1). We also injoy blogging with our Grey Main school buddy's. Finally we have to comment on someone's blog in our class includeing our class blog and our Grey Main school buddy's.
By Olivia,Jack,Crystal,Felix.
cool dot buddies
Cool dots are 5 years old, they are our buddy class. We enjoy going down with them and learning with them. We go down them once a week on a Wednesday. We help cool dots be sensible on ipads and out on the playground. There teacher Mrs Pringle helps us do our learning but we help the buddies aswell. The apps that we use are Tellagami, Pic collage and Comic life. We have fun with the cool dots and enjoy woking with them.
By Connor,Te Aroha,Phoebe and Cody.
By Connor,Te Aroha,Phoebe and Cody.
All About Wairakei School
Wairakei school is in Christchurch and has a roll of approximately 250 students from years 0-6. We have 13 classrooms of which two are used for disabled students. Many year 6 students applied for leadership roles earlier in the year. All of the applicants form a student council and 8 of them are also student leaders. An endless collection of facilities is provided to help students learn. These include a music room, library, technology, art supplies and more!
Feel free to comment on this post if you have any questions about Wairakei school or you can click here to check out our school website and find out more!
Feel free to comment on this post if you have any questions about Wairakei school or you can click here to check out our school website and find out more!
Written by Sophie F, Shougo, Finn and Tammie
A Little About Awesome Room 1
Room 1 is at wairakei school in Christchurch NZ, Room 1 is home to year 5/6's, with the best teacher in the world.
In room 1 we have a system called "room 1 settings" like iPad settings (bullying turned off, Hard work turned on). We are all independent learners and can manage our own learning. In room 1 we all can help each other to improve our learning. When we work together we are all awesome.
Room 1 is a free desked and free flowing class room. We are a B.Y.O.D class room. When we are doing B.Y.O.D.before we started B.Y.O.D we had to sign a form that clearly stated that we will not play any non-school related games.If we play any non school related games our iPad will be taken off us.
Must' do-can' dos are a learning source in one setting (maths, reading E.T.C). We have a list of must' dos and can' dos all the must' dos must be done in the time frame that we have. But if we finish early we gat to do the can' dos wich are like maths and reading games.
Isn't room 1 awesome, I hope you now know what a great place room 1 is.
By Rosa, Sophie B, Anna and Mitchell
Our epic room 1 friends
In room 1, we are: fun, awesome, friendly, nice, funny and epic. We are also helpful, caring and cool. Some of us are crazy and weird. Others are hard working, happy and excited. That is what we are in room one!
Our teacher, the awesome Mrs Friedwald, is so fun and caring. She is so nice and thoughtful that if we do something wrong, she normally stays in a cheerful mood and is happy to help. If she helps us, our work gets easier, more fun and also helps for a smile and happy mood! She is so cool!
Over all our class is a wonderful, amazing and creative class and and awesome place to be. We love our class!
By Leo, Daniel L, Gyle and Kyle
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Week 5 - Blog Post of the Week.
Last week's blog post of the week was Daniel L's post on his teams Hockey Game. Daniel wrote clearly, included detail, used photos to add detail to his post and ensured she had proofread accurately. What a great first hook sentence! Check out his post here and leave a quality comment. Great blogging Daniel !
Finally ....Sport has started !
I wont say much because the kids have said it all. Be sure to visit their posts about our first competition game that took place of Thursday. Click through to their blogs to read more ------------->
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Week 4 Blog Post of the Week
Last week's blog post of the week was Anna's post on Zone Cross Country. Anna wrote clearly, included detail, used photos to add detail to her post and ensured she had proofread accurately. Check out her post here and leave a quality comment. Great blogging Anna !
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Next Class Novel - what will it be?
We are only pages away from the end of our current class novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We have loved the story as told from different characters throughout. Themes of bullying, judging and friendship have been well received by all Room 1 readers. If you haven't read it, we highly recommend it. Hopefully there will be some blog post reviews next week.
What should we read next ???? The lovely Mrs Grey has selected the below 4 books for us to choose from. What do you think? Click the titles below to read more and then leave your comment about what you would choose and why? I wonder if our Rm11 Grey Main Buddies can help at all?
What should we read next ???? The lovely Mrs Grey has selected the below 4 books for us to choose from. What do you think? Click the titles below to read more and then leave your comment about what you would choose and why? I wonder if our Rm11 Grey Main Buddies can help at all?
Monday, 26 May 2014
Scientists at work
Last week we started the Science aspect of our Energy inquiry. So far we have experimented with heat and how it creates energy. We learnt how to ask scientific questions, how to explore to test out a theory we may have and how to work with others to make our experiments run smoothly. We have been asking questions that start with...why...how....what if....how come and I wonder. Soon we will also explore light and sound energy.
....more photos to come.
....more photos to come.
Friday, 16 May 2014
What a start to Term 2 !
We have been so busy in Room 1 already this term that it will be hard to fit it all in just one blog post. Here goes .....
Cycle Safety - This week our Year 6's participated in the annual cycle safety programme run by the Christchurch City Council. Each day they were out learning all the road rules, how to signal and gain some confidence on their bikes.
Cross Country - Yesterday was our school cross country down at Jelly Park. EVERYONE put in 110% and gave it their best! We had many Room 1 Learners come home in the top 6 for their year group - these people (names to be added soon) will soon be representing Wairakei School at zones.
Winter Sport - Game on! Next Thursday is our first game of winter sports at Hagley Park so we have been practicing twice a week. Hockey, Netball, Soccer and Rugby teams have been learning the skills, working together and getting fit ready to take on teams from other schools.
Future Inventions Challenge - This week a challenge was set: Design an invention of the future that uses energy in some way. Learners were required to complete both a detailed diagram of the invention and an information report describing their invention. Wish I lived in the future already, that's all i can say. Hopefully some of these will be posted on blogs asap.
Blogging - We are getting really good at blogging each week. Not only do we post a lot of the work we do around inquiry, specific pieces of writing etc we also write a post of our choice each week on any subject that interests us. You can check out all our blogs on the side of our class blog. We also have blogging buddies from Room 11 at Grey Main School.
and that's not even all of what we have been doing .....
Cycle Safety - This week our Year 6's participated in the annual cycle safety programme run by the Christchurch City Council. Each day they were out learning all the road rules, how to signal and gain some confidence on their bikes.
Cross Country - Yesterday was our school cross country down at Jelly Park. EVERYONE put in 110% and gave it their best! We had many Room 1 Learners come home in the top 6 for their year group - these people (names to be added soon) will soon be representing Wairakei School at zones.
Winter Sport - Game on! Next Thursday is our first game of winter sports at Hagley Park so we have been practicing twice a week. Hockey, Netball, Soccer and Rugby teams have been learning the skills, working together and getting fit ready to take on teams from other schools.
Future Inventions Challenge - This week a challenge was set: Design an invention of the future that uses energy in some way. Learners were required to complete both a detailed diagram of the invention and an information report describing their invention. Wish I lived in the future already, that's all i can say. Hopefully some of these will be posted on blogs asap.
Blogging - We are getting really good at blogging each week. Not only do we post a lot of the work we do around inquiry, specific pieces of writing etc we also write a post of our choice each week on any subject that interests us. You can check out all our blogs on the side of our class blog. We also have blogging buddies from Room 11 at Grey Main School.
and that's not even all of what we have been doing .....
Friday, 9 May 2014
Why I cant skip my 20 minutes of reading tonight! pic.twitter.com/qfvj8BFD3X #edchat #edtech #satchat #sunchat
— Teacher (@Primary_Ed) April 5, 2014
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Random Acts of Kindness - Thursday
After several days of wet grounds and closed fields at school we decided a fun lunch time activity was in order. Room 1 invited the rest of the school to watch some funny Pixar animation films in the hall. Fun had by all.
Tomorrow we have a full on day away from school (NZCSO & cross country practice) so we are planning on spreading our kindness by making an extra special effort to be kind and friendly to our bus driver and any officials at CSB we may meet.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Random Act of Kindness - Wednesday
This afternoon everyone in Room 1 snuck out around the school and left kind messages for parents and learners to see as they were heading home for the day. A simple gesture that hopefully put a smile on some faces.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Random Acts of Kindness

What are the benefits? Well today we performed our first class random act of kindness. We made kind cards to brighten up each classes day when it was cold and rainy. Everyone was super excited and came back gleaming at the kindness they had spread. Both those doing the acts and those receiving them seemed to benefit as equally.
Over the next week (until the end of term) we will be preforming more random acts of kindness both as a class and individually. Keep an eye out.
Please let us know your thoughts by commenting below. Room 1 you could comment with how you showed someone kindness today and how it made you feel.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Congratulations Anna
Recently we held a stamp design competition for the Wairere Team (Year 5/6). The brief was to design a new school stamp that would be produced and used when sending school mail.
Anna won this competition with her simple yet effective design. Well done Anna! Today Miss Olliff posted a letter to her mum using one of Anna's stamps.
Anna won this competition with her simple yet effective design. Well done Anna! Today Miss Olliff posted a letter to her mum using one of Anna's stamps.
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Published Writers
Congratulations to Sophie F & Leo whos report on Year 6 camp has been published in this weeks Nor'West News. Click below to have a read (page 9). This is absolutely brilliant writing, keep up the fantastic work!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
You Have A Voice - Stop Bullying
Today we had an Absolutely Brilliant Class Circle to explore some of the negatives people feel when they are treated bad. Below is some of the things we don't like!
Check out Nakita's video below (Isaac's mum Angie was lucky enough to be involved in the One Voice project). Hopefully some Room 1 learners will share some of the ways they have used "their voice" to make a difference.
- When people make fun of me (looks, voice, weight)
- When people call me names
- Bad language towards my friends and I
- People repeating what I say in a mean voice
- When people put down the games I play - I find them fun & they haven't even tried them.
- When people are taunting or being pompous
- When people don't want to play with me.
- When people say you can't play a game
- When people look down on you.
- When seniors teach juniors bad language and behaviour.
- Negative peer pressure
- Physical violence
Many of us were saddened to hear how others have felt due to someone else's actions. Everyone was incredibly mature and honest to ensure we all felt safe to share things that worried us.
We then all took a piece of blank paper and screwed it up, this was to show what happens when someone is bullied. We described this as broken, hurt, sad, wrinkled etc. Trying to fix (flatten) the paper again was really challenging and impossible - this shows us how bullying stays with people forever.
What can we do about it ?
Thats the important part! We listened to this cool song by 15yr old Nakita Turner called One Voice. We realised that as 1 person we can make a difference, as a class of 32 we can make a huge difference! We all have a voice and will be using our voices to make a positive difference!Check out Nakita's video below (Isaac's mum Angie was lucky enough to be involved in the One Voice project). Hopefully some Room 1 learners will share some of the ways they have used "their voice" to make a difference.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
So busy ......
Sorry.... a little slack on the blogging at the moment. So much is happening its hard to find time. For me (Miss Olliff) anyway, Room 1 learners have still been updating their's so check them out & leave a comment.
Last week our Y6s enjoyed a great 4 days camping at Okains Bay and next week Year 5's are heading to Ngati Moki Marae. So much learning goes on at these camps it is amazing!
New Teacher
I am lucky enough to be joined by Miss Golder from the University of Canterbury for 5 weeks this term. Miss Golder is in charge at the moment and is already an absolutely brilliant teacher. She is helping learners understand time, energy, information reports and some fun new PE.
Who's been published?
Wow we have been busy. Emily, Madisyn and Olivia were published in this weeks school newsletter - check it out here. Sophie F and Leo have written for the local paper which should be published shortly. Many of our Blue & Green Literacy group learners have written exciting book reports that will be published to the library website and on the walls in the library. Absolutely Brilliant Writing team! I am very proud!
Pheww - what a exciting and busy last 3 weeks. Please remind me to post more often!
Check out some photos from Okains Bay Camp
Last week our Y6s enjoyed a great 4 days camping at Okains Bay and next week Year 5's are heading to Ngati Moki Marae. So much learning goes on at these camps it is amazing!
New Teacher
I am lucky enough to be joined by Miss Golder from the University of Canterbury for 5 weeks this term. Miss Golder is in charge at the moment and is already an absolutely brilliant teacher. She is helping learners understand time, energy, information reports and some fun new PE.
Who's been published?
Wow we have been busy. Emily, Madisyn and Olivia were published in this weeks school newsletter - check it out here. Sophie F and Leo have written for the local paper which should be published shortly. Many of our Blue & Green Literacy group learners have written exciting book reports that will be published to the library website and on the walls in the library. Absolutely Brilliant Writing team! I am very proud!
Pheww - what a exciting and busy last 3 weeks. Please remind me to post more often!
Check out some photos from Okains Bay Camp
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
How we turn PE into writing.
Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning some softball skills (catching, pitching, batting). We have put these skills into practice by playing a round robin tournament. This is where we are split into 4 teams and all compete against each other for the grand champion title. We don't only get points for the runs we score, but also for team work, positive attitudes, leadership and sportsmanship. We have had some very close games so far.
What do the two teams not playing each game do? They become sports reporters! Armed with notepaper, iPad and google docs we watch and record the plays of the game. Who won the toss, notable players, the weather, the atmosphere and interviews with players. We take creative photos and have even used our voice recorder to help take notes. We are in the process of writing our sports reviews up so they are attractive to our readers. Watch our blogs as these will be appearing on these in the next couple of weeks.
What do the two teams not playing each game do? They become sports reporters! Armed with notepaper, iPad and google docs we watch and record the plays of the game. Who won the toss, notable players, the weather, the atmosphere and interviews with players. We take creative photos and have even used our voice recorder to help take notes. We are in the process of writing our sports reviews up so they are attractive to our readers. Watch our blogs as these will be appearing on these in the next couple of weeks.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
We are blogging
What is a blog? What is a blogger? We are all bloggers in Room 1 and a blog is a website that we can share our throughts and ideas with others. We can also comments on other peoples ideas and communicate with people all over the world.
This week we all created our own blogs and made our first post. You can visit these by clicking on the right hand side of our class blog (the one your reading now). >>>>>>>>>>look over there! We would love some feedback and comments on our posts. You can even find tips for quality commenting at the top of this blog.
Keep an eye out as we update our blogs regularly. Maybe you have some ideas that we could post about?
This week we all created our own blogs and made our first post. You can visit these by clicking on the right hand side of our class blog (the one your reading now). >>>>>>>>>>look over there! We would love some feedback and comments on our posts. You can even find tips for quality commenting at the top of this blog.
Keep an eye out as we update our blogs regularly. Maybe you have some ideas that we could post about?
Monday, 10 February 2014
5 days in
Wow what a absolutely brilliant first 5 days! Great start Room 1, in this short time we have ...
It is stacking up to be an exciting year in Room 1. Keep up the awesome work team.
- Created presentations about ourselves
- Learnt heaps about our new iPads
- Started to use our google accounts
- Set up how we will learn maths for the year
- Began learning about digital citizenship
- Participated in Swimming Gala
It is stacking up to be an exciting year in Room 1. Keep up the awesome work team.
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