Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How we turn PE into writing.

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning some softball skills (catching, pitching, batting).  We have put these skills into practice by playing a round robin tournament.  This is where we are split into 4 teams and all compete against each other for the grand champion title.  We don't only get points for the runs we score, but also for team work, positive attitudes, leadership and sportsmanship.  We have had some very close games so far.

What do the two teams not playing each game do?  They become sports reporters!  Armed with notepaper, iPad and google docs we watch and record the plays of the game.  Who won the toss, notable players, the weather, the atmosphere and interviews with players.  We take creative photos and have even used our voice recorder to help take notes.  We are in the process of writing our sports reviews up so they are attractive to our readers.  Watch our blogs as these will be appearing on these in the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

We are blogging

What is a blog? What is a blogger?  We are all bloggers in Room 1 and a blog is a website that we can share our throughts and ideas with others.  We can also comments on other peoples ideas and communicate with people all over the world.

This week we all created our own blogs and made our first post.  You can visit these by clicking on the right hand side of our class blog (the one your reading now).  >>>>>>>>>>look over there!  We would love some feedback and comments on our posts.  You can even find tips for quality commenting at the top of this blog.

Keep an eye out as we update our blogs regularly.  Maybe you have some ideas that we could post about?

Monday, 10 February 2014

5 days in

Wow what a absolutely brilliant first 5 days!  Great start Room 1, in this short time we have ...
  • Created presentations about ourselves
  • Learnt heaps about our new iPads
  • Started to use our google accounts
  • Set up how we will learn maths for the year
  • Began learning about digital citizenship
  • Participated in Swimming Gala
All that and we have only just stated.  This week (Week 2) we are looking at blogging so we can begin to share our thoughts and learning with the world.

It is stacking up to be an exciting year in Room 1.  Keep up the awesome work team.